New functionalities | To make the ordering process easier
In order to offer you the service you deserve, Hortispares is continuously improving and developing its features. We would like to introduce the three new functionalities: share your cart, pay on account and request a quote. These functionalities will make your order process more easy. Discover the convenience for you!
Share your cart
The struggle of copying links of desired products to your colleagues is a thing of the past! Share your cart is a function that makes it easy for you to share your online shopping cart with a colleague in just one click. Have you filled your cart with the products you need, and do you want to share it with a colleague or purchasing department? This is possible with the new functionality: share your cart!

Pay on account
Pay afterwards! Pay on account is an extension of the payment options on Hortispares. This feature enables you to place an order which will be taken care of by your own Royal Brinkman account manager. Experience the convenience of this feature yourself.
Do you want to know whether you can benefit from this new functionality?

Request a quote
Ordering in bulk? With our new functionality you can request a quote for orders with a minimum order value of € 2000. Based on your quotation, you will be informed personally of your exclusive price by your own account manager within 24 hours on business days.