The operation of electric tomato pollinators
To make the fruit of a plant, flowers needs to be pollinated. Therefore, an electric pollinator pollinates the flowers in tomato cultivation. It is kind of a tomato vibrator. The pollinator vibrates the flowers of the tomato trusses to release the pollen. When the pollen are released the pistil and pollen are in contact. As a result, the plant is able to make tomatoes. With the pollinators all flowers are mechanically pollinated. Nowadays, a lot of companies use bumbleebees to pollinate the crop. The advantages of bumbleebees are the natural pollination and there is no labour required. At royalbrinkman.com you can order your bumblebee hives for pollination in professional horticulture. At Hortispares you can order your electric tomato pollinator to pollinate the crop mechanically.
Spare parts for electric pollinators
Tomato pollination is important, because otherwise the fruit will not be created. After intensive use of the pollinator it can be that some parts need replacement. Therefore, it is convenient to have the right spare parts in stock. Does the motor, coupling or cyllinder need to be replaced? At Hortispares you can order quickly and easily your needed spare parts. In this way, you prevent yourself that the crop cannot be pollinated.
Find the right spare parts easily
Hortispares offers 10 000 spare parts for horticulture. Are you looking for spare parts for your tomato pollinators? You can easily find the right parts at Hortispares. With worldwide shipping and secure payment methods, growers and technical installers all over the world are able to safely buy the right spare parts in one online store. Do you have a question about pollination in greenhouses? Or do you want to know if your crop needs to be pollinated? Get in contact with our specialists. They would be happy to advice you.